Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing Devices

Windcube LiDAR Rental installed powered by a Sentrex SoDAR and LiDAR Remote Power Supply

AQ510 SoDAR Rental installed powered by a Sentrex SoDAR and LiDAR Power Supply

ZephIR ZX installed with a Sentrex LiDAR Remote Power Supply.

Windcube LiDAR Rental installed powered by a Sentrex SoDAR and LiDAR Remote Power Supply
Remote sensing devices (RSDs) such as SoDAR and LiDAR are a quick method of determining the wind characteristics of a potential wind project site without the need for an on-site Meteorological tower. Using SoDAR or LiDAR technologies, paired with a Sentrex SoDAR and LiDAR Power Supply, reliable meteorological data can be acquired.
Which RSD should you choose?
Some things to consider:
Maintenance schedule and requirements
Nearby ambient noise level
Data quality - is my unit IEC certified?
Unit/System best suited for the local weather - Reliable snow melting capabilities?
Our Related Services
SoDAR and LiDAR Installation, Re-location, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Decommissioning
SoDAR and LiDAR Validation using our IEC Compliant 203m Meteorological Tower
SoDAR and LiDAR Campaign Management Services include:
SoDAR and LiDAR Data monitoring​
Communications managing
Historical records
Monthly or quarterly Status reports
Customized PV Remote Power Supply Trailer with Fuel Cell or Diesel Backup system

If you have a potential site and are unsure of which SoDAR or LiDAR would be best suited for your location, we can help!

Contact us for Quotes/Pricing on SoDAR and LiDAR Services or Rental Options

AQ510 Direct Beam SoDAR
IEC classified in accordance with IEC 61400-12-1: 2017, and validated by DNV-GL, Ecofys and BBB for compliance.
The AQ510 uses a unique design based upon three powerful high-quality speakers and parabolic reflectors to tightly focus acoustic impulses into the atmosphere. Sound is reflected by temperature fluctuations and turbulence.

AQSystem is based in Stockholm, Sweden and has been building SoDAR units since 1989. Originally supplying the aerospace and atmospheric quality markets, AQSystem started focusing on the wind energy industry in 2006. Hundreds of AQ units are now in use worldwide in the wind energy industry.
Key Features
100% field serviceable and repairable
Modular construction for easy shipping and deployment
Integrated GPS, temperature and humidity sensors
Communication options via GSM/GPRS or Satellite
Sophisticated algorithms for fixed echo removal
Highly competitive pricing and low cost of ownership
SoDAR data can be viewed and downloaded from Sentrex's Forjlive Server.
The AQ510 provides a smaller lobe measurement volume than other RSDs and more concentrated energy. This, in turn, returns exceptionally high wind and turbulence data availability, even during adverse atmospheric conditions.

Provides turbulence intensity equivalent to turbulence measured with anemometers.
A variety of power and heating options are available to suit even the harshest of environments, including the automatic melting of snow and ice.
The AQ510 and power supply have a one-year limited warranty. One year remote support contracts are also available.
Optional validation to 200m prior to delivery is available. Includes standard verification report. Contact us for details.
A user manual in English is included. Operation and maintenance training at AQSystem in Sweden is available.

The AQ510 as supplied is compatible with 24VDC, and 12VDC, or can be fitted for 110-240VAC. The customer is free to supply power from its own generator, grid power or other external power pack. Mounted on a Standalone frame for easy transportation.
The AQ510 installed with a Sentrex Wind PV Power Supply has been used as far north as 62° latitude and has delivered robust and reliable performance. The system is delivered in trailerized models or in kit models ready to install on the client's own trailer.
The Sentrex power supply can be augmented with a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) backup system, for use in regions with significant snow or icing conditions, or prolonged periods of low solar radiation.
Versions & Packages
Why choose the AQ510 SoDAR?
When choosing a SoDAR or LiDAR, the most important aspect is data quality. The AQ510 SoDAR is the only SoDAR to have been IEC certified, conforming to international standards. The AQ510 SoDAR is an enclosed system, requiring less maintenance and performs year-round with integrated heating systems to handle the toughest snow and ice conditions.
By providing measurements across the full rotor sweep of a turbine, AQ510 reduces uncertainty in revenue forecasts, providing accurate wind speed, wind direction, vertical wind speed, shear, veer, and turbulence intensity values. Leading consulting firms accept well-validated SoDAR data as part of a comprehensive wind study. AQ510 data meets industry requirements while reducing the uncertainty of a wind resource assessment and enabling better project design.
As the exclusive partner for AQSystem Stockholm AB in Canada Sentrex Wind Services has the experience, training and resources to provide a turnkey, full-service offering customized to your campaign.
Using an AQ510 SoDAR allows for flexible data acquisition of a wind project location. When paired with a Sentrex Power Supply, the unit can be relocated around a wind project to determine the wind characteristics over a larger area.

We offer purchase and rental options for the AQ510 Wind Finder SoDAR.
Each AQ510 SoDAR Purchase or SoDAR Rental option has been validated using our IEC Compliant 203m Meteorological Tower to ensure the data quality of each unit to its ​full measurement range.

Technical Specifications
5m vertical resolution from 40m to 200m (Optional 300m)
33 measurement heights (Optional 53)
Accuracy of horizontal wind speed ±1%
Wind speed range of 0 to 30 m/s
Vertical wind speed range ±2.2 m/s
Delivers a mean standard uncertainty of 1.00% at 10​0m.
Unlike anemometers, not affected by mast interference (windspeed) or wind inflow angles.
Small Zenith angle - To give you less scatter and better measurement in complex terrain AQ510 uses a zenith angle of 15°.
Tilt sensor - with the tilt sensor you can always be sure that the system is installed correctly.
Mean value period 10 min
Transmitting frequency 4300 Hz
Operating temperature range -40°C - 60°C
Operating humidity range 0 - 100% RH
Data format ASCII
Data transfer GSM/GPRS (Optional Satellite)
Low power consumption of 150W
Dimension / Weight (SA) 1.8m (H) x 1.10m (DIA) / 120 kg
Cast aluminum (the same material as the speaker brackets and re-designed parabolic dishes) platform with machined surfaces to ensure that the speakers are in the exact correct position.
No annual fee for online data access
​Intuitive online interface with graphical representation of data
Rental & Purchase

AQ510 SoDAR or LiDAR Rental
Minimum 3-Month rental contract
Installation on client site
Maintenance visits
Cell phone communications for units
Data in CSV format
Commissioning report
AQ510 SoDAR or LiDAR Purchase
AQ510 Wind Finder SoDAR or LiDAR Unit
Customized SoDAR or LiDAR Power Supply trailer for unit utilizing PV with propane fuel cell backup Remote Power Supply
SoDAR or LiDAR Installation and Commissioning services are available
Relocation services available

AQ510 Documentation
For detailed information on the AQ510 SoDAR, below is a collection of brochures and papers.

IEC Classification
The material on this page is a summary of AQSystem's "AQ510 - Setting a New Standard". The original document can be found in the Documentation section of our AQ510 SoDAR page.
On the 3rd of March 2017 IEC 61400-12-1:2017 was published. Copies can be obtained from the IEC Webstore at – https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/26603.
This new release of the standard covers the use of ground based remote sensing devices (RSDs), SoDARs and LiDARs, which are capable of providing accurate and consistent wind data. This will have a significant influence on the instrumentation and methodologies that are chosen for different wind industry applications, such as turbine power performance testing and optimization, and wind resource assessment.
Prior to undertaking the IEC classification process, AQ510 was already a well-proven technology with independent validation reports from DNV-GL, Ecofys and BBB Umwelttechnik. In addition to independent validations of the AQ510 system, every AQ510 SoDAR is calibrated against AQSystem's own 100m IEC compliant met tower in Sweden prior to delivery. AQ510 is the only SoDAR which has this level of testing before delivery.
The IEC classification process, as defined in the standard, provides a formally agreed and accepted method to assess and calculate uncertainties for remote sensing instruments thus enabling a uniform practice for using generated data in a project environment.
To classify a product per the standard it must be validated for accuracy, unit to unit consistency, and performance in different environmental and seasonal conditions, and ultimately assigned a standard uncertainty.
Annex L of IEC 61400-12-1:2017 specifies that a minimum of two RSDs must be tested at two separate sites for a minimum of three months so a large span of environmental parameters can be measured. In addition to this, at least one of the systems must be deployed at both sites in order to verify the reference anemometers used.
To give greater confidence to our customers, AQSystem chose to exceed the minimum testing requirements to give a clearer understanding of the impact of various environmental parameters. Four AQ510s with six deployments were used in the classification process with a total measurement period of twenty-six months. One system covered a whole year to provide information on how environmental parameters affect AQ510 measurements through all four seasons.
The large database of over 96,000 10-min data points from the four AQ510s enables a highly robust classification. All systems show similar sensitivities to each environmental parameter and deliver a standard uncertainty close to one another. With longer measurements, the standard uncertainty reduces further, which should be considered by AQ510 users when deciding the duration of a SoDAR measurement campaign.
The results obtained have been assessed and independently verified by Uppsala University of Sweden, one of Europe's leading technical universities.
When all analysis was completed, according to the procedure described in Annex L of the IEC guidelines, 61400-12-1, AQ510 achieved a mean standard uncertainty of 1.00% at 100m.